Magento 2.2.0 – Contact us set up

  • On the left sidebar, click on the “STORES“
  • Under “Settings” menu, tab “Configuration“
  • On the left panel, under “General“, click “Contacts“
  • On the right panel, expand the “Contact Us” section and set “Enable Contact Us” to “Yes”
  • Now, expand the “Email Options” section and perform the following tasks:
  • Enter the email address in the “Send Emails To” field, this is where you want to receive messages and queries from the Contact Us page.
  • On the “Email Sender” drop down, select the store identity that you want to appear as a sender
  • Select the “Email Template” that you want to use, to send messages and queries
  • When you are done, click “Save Config”

Customize Magento 2 Contact Us page

  • On the left sidebar, tap on “CONTENT“
  • Under “Elements” menu, click “Blocks”.
  • Find the “Contact Us” block using the search box and go to “Edit” by using “Action” field.
  • Scroll down to the “Content” box and do any changes according to your store contact information.
  • When done, tap “Save Block”